My final Theory!
The tip here was the High Resolution Pic of Epstein Island.
That pic was hastily taken from this avid photographer's device/phone. Not for the sake of art, but seemingly a snapshot for the sake of evidence gathering.
This is the same sort of photo that a confidential informant would take.
Perhaps we shouldn't be asking how or whom Ray Chandler is connected to.
Perhaps we should be asking ,,,,,
How Long Has Ray Chandler Been Confidential Informant
Perhaps we should be asking…..
Has the KEYSTONE been revealed finally
Revealed on the night of the Full moon at equinox
Is Ray Chandler the Keystone to the biggest RICO case ever ever.
Was Ray Chandler collecting evidence? How long was she confidential informant? Longer than most can imagine?
Are there suddenly a lot of scared people tonight in very high places?
Jam 4 your bread