More Casa de Campos:
Sen. Menendez alleged of underage prostitution at the resort:
On top of all that, Menendez has denied allegations that he cavorted with prostitutes, including an underage hooker, during his Casa de Campo jaunts, suggestions that the senator has vigorously denounced as “smears.” (The allegations — made by an anonymous whistleblower and first publicized on a conservative Web site — have not been verified independently.)
https://ww w.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/casa-de-campo-exclusive-dominican-resort-is-at-the-center-of-menendez-allegations/2013/02/06/7165ecac-7077-11e2-a050-b83a7b35c4b5_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3856fabf1b25