Anonymous ID: fa7bcf March 20, 2019, 10:26 p.m. No.5805407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5495 >>5714 >>5736

wifeanon became distraught, reading and viewing Q posts tonight and q/research breads. tearing up she slammed her iPad shut and said 'I'm going to bed, to much for me, to disturbing' and I said: 'it's suppose too, it's intended to rock decent human beings to their core.'


as I think about it, the complete and thorough hatred of humanity. what better way to ostensively display this hatred and extreme horror of perversion than to violate children's innocence in horrifying ways in full view. cowardly acts, destroying minds, human life.


what would wrench the core, decent values of humanity, incentivize, motivate, rally them to take action than full transparency of this horror?


the inner most depths of the cabal, DS, hollywood, those participants, complicit elites (political, economic, societal) that have had so much control are showing themselves as nothing more than the worst of the worst of humanity.


how many of them (victims to perpetrators), have been violated themselves only to act out the very same way?


way to big for me to even think about sorting out all this shit on humanity, processing it, let alone try to shelf it. figure some form of divine intervention, some type of psychic change must happen to settle all this chilling terror.


sorry anons just had to get this out.