Wtf is this about?
>Q Are you saying that Bob Mueller is a bad actor?
>THE PRESIDENT: I know nothing about it. I know that he’s conflicted and I know that his best friend is Comey, who’s a bad cop. And I know that there are other things, obviously. You know I had a business transaction with him that I’ve reported many times that you people don’t talk about. But I had a nasty business transaction with him and other things. I know that he put 13 highly conflicted and, you know, very angry — I call them angry — Democrats in. So, you know — so, what it is.
>Now, let’s see whether or not it’s legit. You know better than anybody there’s no collusion. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. There was no nothing. But it’s sort of an amazing thing that when you have a great victory, somebody comes and does a report out of nowhere — tell me how that makes sense — who never got a vote; who the day before he was retained to become Special Counsel, I told him he wouldn’t be working at the FBI. And then the following day, they get him for this. I don’t think so. I don’t think people get it.
>With all of that being said, I look forward to seeing the report.