Wow lot of Q posts last night.
I didn't classify no-names treason so don't bitch to me about it.
Wow lot of Q posts last night.
I didn't classify no-names treason so don't bitch to me about it.
I don't think you understand how this works Q?
I think you have better contact info than us?
Q first.
Call the Cross dressers to investigate the Perv's?
Something not right about that.
Hope they don't think you are liar, they just need someone else to confirm.
We don't talk to Po-Po.
Truth has resonance, and so did George.
yeah get on that.
That's bullshit. You don't think after 50 years of our citizenship, labor, standard of living has been eroded or exterminated, you don't think they all are asleep and have no idea how bad we are being fucked?
Bitch Please.
Truth is how do you expose your enemies at this level and not have the wheels come off.
Why try to save a government that sold you out over 50 years ago and will on a whim destroy good people for sport?
I am hitting the reset button, you have but one right and one duty, it supersede's the constitution. If the founders had the right to dissolve the kings government how can we not have the right to do the same? When that long list of tyranny becomes too much to bear, it is not only our right, it is our duty.
I got a question for you Who gives a fuck.
I am sure the roaming mobs will burn those places as well.
you think we are going to using punctuation when shit starts burning. Wait until you see the spelling.
urmom says hey.
I prefer not to play bullshit games.
I am telling you the whole damn thing is corrupt and those of us with eyes and open mind have known it all our lives.
Don't underestimate the average person, they all have had a nagging voice telling them shit is fucked up even as the programming on them intensified.
That's what critical thinking is about. Spit ball it, if it's absurd is will dissolve. If not, it will grow.
I am still int he deep state v MIC mode with Q being MIC.