would be important if govt took control of social media
Just like the Bill of Right and constitution keeps govt power in check.
would be important if govt took control of social media
Just like the Bill of Right and constitution keeps govt power in check.
Govt can't force people to be fair.
Only govt platform can be forced to be fair by
https:// www.instagram.com/lsjourney/
Where's Waldo
Museum of Cosmonauts, Moscow, Russia.
Chick has some weird eyes.
Like this?
I'm banned from about 80% of platforms
ABC, CBS, NBC banned from commenting
David Icke, Lunatic Outpost, Above Top Secret
Banned, banned, banned.
All clown ops.
Queen controlled commonwealth
Fuck off shill
The only people I see worried about namefagging are the shills.
Shills need to remain anonโฆ
I'm not anon on anywhere else but here.