>>5809927 (lb)
Legally speaking, if you inadvertently discover child pornography online, you are required by law to report it to the FBI. Failure to do so could land you in hot water as a consumer of illegal content.
>>5809927 (lb)
Legally speaking, if you inadvertently discover child pornography online, you are required by law to report it to the FBI. Failure to do so could land you in hot water as a consumer of illegal content.
Sorry, let me "try again", as in try to explain this to you dumb fuck again…
Q posts some stuff that gets you digging…are you digging here, on 8ch? No dickfor, you go out on the internet and start following leads in hopes to uncover shit. Then you happen to click on a link that has some "photos of underage persons in sexually suggestive situations". That image is downloaded to your hard drive before being displayed on your monitor. You are, legally, now in possession of child pornography. Under the law, you are required to report that site (complete URL) to the authorities, and must not have "viewed" more than 3 images containing illegal content from that site, or you "could" be charged with possession of it.
I'm just on here trying to help you cover your own ass, and this is the thanks I get? Fuck off.
Link for reporting Child Pornography located on the Interwebs