I don't seem to be getting the excitement I was expecting.
This broad is the keystone.
We all thought it was the CF itself.
But raychandler ties together EVERYONE.
Just like a keystone in an archway.
So far Chandler connects:
Many celebs (need a list),
Hilton family,
Rothschild family,
I suspect all the players will be tied together with further digging. (Slim, salinas, royals, McStain, more pols and business, Soros?, Bloody wonderland?)
She brings it all together.
She completes the map.
She is the first domino that spreads the contagion within their ranks.
We need the MAP of connections to guide the way!
Dig dig dig on who she is connected to.
We have Roth's, what about Soros and sauds?
Keep going fags!