There is one family that hasn't been covered here much. But they seemed to play a big "role" in many of the early FF's that emerged, starting with Gabby Gifford (and possibly before).
Radian Helix Media & David Weiss
The Greenberg family - a family of crisis actors
A partial list of notable hoax and terror events (where people may or may not have been killed).
OKC bombing
Gabby Giffords & judge shooting
Sandy Hook
Boston bombing
Parkland shooting
Trayvon Martin hoax
These are a few and the players/actors/promoters may have changed over the game but media has been the enemy of the people since the printing press was invented.
Media is also the revealer. As tech continues to improve, these things can get picked apart faster. It took almost a decade for many to get a grip on what really happened on 9/11 and even now, most don't get it.
It's a big boys game and now it's starting to unravel thanks to the pioneer tin hats and now the chans and such. When the game is protected like it has for so long, it's impossible to unravel.
Years ago it was easy to comp anyone who dug too far (see Dallas Goldbug/Wellaware). He did some early exposes but soon after got ridiculous and flooded with stupidity. But he was the first to expose David Weiss/Radian Helix involvement with some of the early FFs.