Qmap is about to hit 400k. Watched it rise almost 80k in a couple of hours.
TOP KEK!!! Was waiting for the "are you human" meme shill to start up. Thanks for all the work you do on qmap!
Reptilian shapeshifter, ask AJ he knows me from his dad in NASA
400k on qmap
Fuck off faggot and take your meds
Guess I could ask you the same question since you post the same ridiculous shit non-stop. At least you've stopped with the stupid "are you human" memes. Are you a human faggot or a bot faggot? Well you can answer human or bot because faggot is already a given.
TOP KEK Tiresias. You're one of the moar deranged bots on here but we still love you. eBot is funnier though. You need a new programmer.