Odysseus said to Athena that is was already becoming hard to recognize the gods when they embodied human form.
When people were "possessed" or "inspired" and did things they were not otherwise capable of doing.
Trojan and Greek heroes alike posted super human numbers with the god guided javelins and power boosted swords.
At the battle before Troy all the gods were present and took part on the fighting on the Greek or Trojan side.
What happens when a human is possessed by a god?
In Homer's accounts men were said to look looked different, Odysseus recognized Athene by her eyes "ox-eyed Athena" and Homer talks about a "shining", and how (lower case) divine possession was brief, because human physiology like Scottie's dilithium crystal can't stand the strain
So what was Homer talking about in real world terms?
Think about the effects of extreme stress, siege warfare, and think of that as a kind of hyper charged version of life. A life where we are conscious aware this may be our last moments on earth.
We watch for the signs. We pay attention. We watch each other. We ought watch ourselves. What was written on the temple at Delphi was not "know yourself," but "watch yourself." "Know yourself" is mistranslated.
When we watch ourselves, we begin to notice things like, sudden ideas, hunches, some people have powerful impulse to do something. Later when asked "why did you do that" the response is always "something came over me," or "I don't know how I knew but I knew. " If someone acts bizarrely we say "he really wasn't himself."
Carl Jung called the unconscious component of dynamic mind "autonomous psychic content" transient impulse like "an overpowering urge" "a sudden impulse, would be brief influence related to a symbol Jung called an archetype. An archetype being the highest and most complete original expression of something. Can be a glyph or a rune or image that activates powers corresponding with us. Kind of our operating system.
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