Anonymous ID: fb9b9f March 21, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.5810469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0471 >>0656 >>0850

Ok folks, I'm going to tie it all together. I'm going to be a bit wild here but please stay with me, it will all start to click together even though I'm going to say a few ABSURD sounding things.


First, my main reference here is going to be


Almost a year ago when I started trying to revisit the historical connections to the modern day cabal, I couldn't figure out who were the good guys and the bad guys. Are the Jesuits bad? The Masons hated them. But the Masons are bad too, right? Where do the Jews fit in? What about the Monarchs? Why did England and Spain have such a big tiff in the 1500s? What was really going on in America during the age of discovery? What was going on in Europe at the same time?


Nothing was making sense. It's easy to just think they were being egotistical warlords acting like warlords do, but that's not good enough for me.


For the past 6 months I've been INTENSELY studying Fomenko, and I think he's very much so over the target. So let me summarize what I think happened.


Jesus was a real person, a real event, might not be his real name, but it happened not even a 1000 years ago when the SN_1054 supernova happened in 1054. Fomenko provides some interesting logic that shows this date is actually wrong by 100 years, so it happened in 1154 'ad', and this was the so called Star of Bethlehem.


Forget everything you think you know about the world back then. There was no Roman Empire that fell apart, as Fomenko convincingly shows us, the Roman Empire and many other similar empires such as Judah/Israel, were complete copies of what we know as the Habsberg Empire of the 1500's. It's all about Constantinople. Constantinople = New Rome = Old Rome = Jerusalem = Troy, the epics are ALL describing the same events at the same place, but historians of the 1600's onwards confused the geography and the names and distorted (on purpose?) world history DRASTICALLY.


Now are you getting why they called it the REFORMATION? And also the Renaissance/Rebirth? They were literally rewriting the history of the world.


Back then there was the worldwide empire of Tartaria and the Ataman's. That's it. It didn't splinter off until the 1500's.


Ok, let's say this is true (and it probably is), what does it matter? What is the significance of it all? Who cares if these nations decided to fabricate their history to antiquate their royal lineage? Why did I bring up Jesus? (Btw, I'm Agnostic so don't think I"m going to be going into some Jesus Saves rant here)


Fomenko argues here that there used to be TWO Christianities, a Royal Version for the Royals and eventually an Apostolic version for the people. The Royal Version was coded in grandiose imagery and it's whole purpose was to justify the Divine Right of Kings. From this Christianity comes all the strange myths that we ascribed to "ancient" Greece. Zeus=Jesus.


(read it yourself he does a way better job than me)


When Jesus came he was visited by the highest Czar's of Tartaria (Fomenko calls them the Rus' Hoarde)


>To conclude, the Roman Emperors worshiped Christ, calling him Zeus and Jupiter, but at that considered themselves to be Gods too and persistently demanded to be worshiped. The second branch of Christianity – the Apostolic, branch of the people – regarded only Christ to be God and disagreed with the claims of the Royal family, from which Christ originated, to idolize the rulers. A conflict arose. The Royal Christianity began to persecute the Apostolic Christianity. This was the notorious 'Christian ostracism' allegedly in the first centuries AD, i.e. the epoch of the XIII-XIV cc.


>The people's Apostolic Christianity, unlike the Ancestral Royal Christianity, was popular on the mass scale and, what's important, could organize itself and created a stable church, which was called Apostolic. In time it has evolved into a powerful organisation, put up a fight against the Royal Christianity, and in the end has won. Constantine the Great, aka, as we show it in [КР], czar-khan Dmitriy Donskoy, molds Apostolic Christianity into the state religion of the entire gigantic 'Mongol' Empire. Since then the czars-khans of the Empire ceased to be the Gods. This upheaval took place at the end of the XIV century and was far from painless. This matter was resolved in the major Kulikovo Battle in 1380. The great importance, which was given to the Kulikovo Battle and its numerous representations in world history, also becomes clear.


Holy shit right?

Anonymous ID: fb9b9f March 21, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.5810471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0478 >>0656



So remember, Spain didn't really exist. It was all Tartaria and Ataman (we know them as Ottoman now). So what the fuck was this Elizabeth vs Spain shit? What's with her war with the Pope? What significance did sinking the Spanish Armada really have? What was the Arian Herasy really about? Could it have been an Aryan Heresy, and the reason it was so popular is not over some substance issue about the Nature of Christ, but because the Christ of the Heresy was fucking ZEUS? Constantine STAMPED THAT OUT.


Restoring the 'Greek' Myths (btw, Fomenko argues as well that Greek actually means Christian) wouldn't work anymore, but a few hundred years before this even "Constantine" upset the apple cart and discredited many royal families from ruling, declaring the holy books supporting their authority to be heretical and wrong. Well, these powerful people will certainly fight back?


Enter Elizabeth, who sinks the Tartarian Armada and completely fucks up their worldwide power, and also their LONG existing connection to the New World


( Meanwhile, Ivan the Great triples the size of Rus and beats back many Tartarian Czars. The Royal Blood was fighting back against the worldwide Hoard and Apostilic Christianity.


The Jesuits were a response to the Reformation, but I argue that they were the enforcers of the very Reformation they claimed to oppose. They basically infiltrated the Vatican to ensure that the rewrite would go smoothly. The Pope, no longer having military backup from the Hoard was powerless to fight it.


The Nazis, embracing a Nordic twist on Christianity, exemplifying the Aryan Race were in reality bringing back the Royal Christianity - the Arian Heresy.


The Vatican has been compromised since at least the 1500's. In fact, the Pope used to rule from Constantinople, the Vatican in Rome is a fake.


>How old is the Vatican building?


>Construction of the present basilica, which would replace Old St. Peter's Basilica from the 4th century AD, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626. St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage and for its liturgical functions.


Also notice how the English royalty are very commonly actually German nationals? Who did Rome wage war on so much? The Goths? The Germans? Well, in the Fomenko Reconstruction, it was Constantinople versus the Germans. And again, it's Germany trying to restore the Arian Heresy.




I'm strongly thinking of making a special bread for New Chronology research as it relates to the Cabal


For example, I'm trying to figure out if the Masons are good. On the one hand, when Grande Tartary fell in 1775 when the last Czar Pugachev was defeated, that freed up the American Northwest for conquest. But perhaps the Masons were a secret society of Tartarians that wanted to ensure they kept the land away from the rebirthed Arian Royals, and thus sparked the American Revolution to create an independent Nation. Otherwise, King George was about to roll all over the western lands and claim all of North America for England. The Declaration of Independence HAD to happen in 1776, or Tartaria would be lost and erased forever.

Anonymous ID: fb9b9f March 21, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.5810478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0656 >>1213



This theory neatly explains why the Masons have been so prevalent in American origins and construction. The most recognized symbol, the Statue of Liberty, is from the Masons and was built upon a "star fort" formation.


I'm starting to strongly wonder if Masons are indeed fighting to overthrow the "Old Guard"


And this is what Q meant that Nazism is a subgroup of something much larger.


The Old World Order is that of the Ancient Rule of Kings, justified what we call Greek Mythology


Remember what the NZ Shooter said, "See you in Valhalla"