Pay attention to our obvious pedophillia goyim
Dont pay attention to how we reshaped society and soon nobody will escape
Pay attention to our obvious pedophillia goyim
Dont pay attention to how we reshaped society and soon nobody will escape
Good point anon
Q knows how to herd anons whenever potus looks bad
Its like a endless hamster wheel
If theres a war Q how come you cant just send adam schiff 6 feet under
They do it to you
Anyone else wish they were rich so they could kill off all the other rich people
Im on the fence
Once i calmed down and thought about it
Trump has definitely made some,moves the elite would never do
Things on the news that wouldve never been on the news 10 years ago
But trump also makes moves that are not in our best interest so i dont know what to think
The mass dismantling of child porn and human trafficking seems to be a good sign
Same with me too
Could be regime change tho
>killing peodphile satanists cultists and then myself so theres no rich people is evil
Found the Q supporter
Gz on being the reason why they get away with it anon
Q translation
Q doesnt want you retatds to submit fbi tips
Q is probably mocking the people he posted about
Saying who wants to talk
Thats the only reason i would post that if i was Q
Hey Q can you stop using anons as bait
I know negative entities love feeding off the misery of autists
But you should probbaly like
You know
Tell them whats going on
Or have them consent
I dont really see any difference between you and the controllers
Because you have the same exact attitude towards the goyim
>jesus is lucifer