Anonymous ID: 545b68 March 21, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.5811297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5810815 (lb)

>>5810815 (lb)

>>5810815 (lb)

>>5810815 (lb)


Be strong, anon. The world owes it to every victim past and present that good people see this all the way through to the full weight of justice. The world will no longer remain asleep on human trafficking and sacrifice. An awakened world is about to come crashing down on these evil sub-humans.


Every domino must fall. WE anons and good people left in law enforcement and intelligence agencies, etc will see this through. Too many of us have already dug our feet in, there is no going back. WE, the People will make sure this doesn't go away through OUR voice. They won't silence all of us. NEVER.