Well of course, Leibling!
But we all are non-terrestrial in origin! This little body you profess to understand reality from within the confines of electro-chemical contraints isn’t who we are at all!!
Silly little child!
You can hardly understand the All.. even in your dreams where you draw closest to it, you can’t capture the fullness.
And yet, you.. and all of us.. create this world.. and every moment of time to experience it.. amazing that so much power is in the hands of those that lack understanding.
It is not like you have not been given this knowledge before.. but many of you are more interested in the moment.. the experience.. and forget the ALL.
Even now someone feels their bladder full.. another wipes their sleepy eye.. and another sips coffee feeling the warmth on the back of their throat.
We chose to be here.. now..
What will you do with this moment? Here? In your experience? What will you bring forth from the dream?
Ha-Maschiach is not a person.. it is a process… embodied by a person who showed you how to do is and use this part of your existence for ALL… not for self.
Deception is all over this reality. It is almost as if we choose to be deceived because it is easier than working to create for others… and this deception upon deception creates a reality where it is more likely than not that deception will be chosen by each for ALL.