Anonymous ID: 72b374 March 7, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.581916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>1947
  1. Everybody needs to go and sign the Internet bill of rights petition now, or, GTFO… If you are questioning Q, GTFO, why are you even here!?

  2. NEWFAGS, if you choose a name other than anonymous, every Anon will filter your ass. We are anonymous! We don't have a name, gender, skin color, religion and so on. Nobody gives a fuck. You are here to learn and work…. You might be a great addition to us, you might have a great idea, theory, or an important dig, BUT NOBODY besides other newfags can see you BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN FILTERED. You are here on OUR BOARD, we will NOT change for YOU. You either become one of us,. Or you're just talking to yourself. NOW, lurk moar ,STFU, learn, and stop with the NAMEFAGGIN! You are not special! I'm trying to help you faggots! Learn!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 72b374 March 7, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.581977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1998 >>2007


There is no legislation on it. We are not there yet. This is just a petition for the POTUS to hear us if we reach our signatures. … Once the WH gets the petition, they will start a conversation on the subject, get some lawyers to write stuff up, get senators to vote on it and so on. There is nothing to show you yet. We are trying to raise our voice so that we can start on the subject ! ….

Anonymous ID: 72b374 March 7, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.582125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2136 >>2158 >>2289


So we just wait? Wait for somebody else to come up with ideas and propose them to our government! You know, libs have been signing these petitions for years. That's how they got so many stupid laws passed. That's why Hussain created it in the first place - to give his base , a voice. They're using it with perfectly to advance their agenda…. Hear me out…. Anon! The world is fucked up right now. Our country if fucked up right now… Do you think any of us are enjoying going and begging ( because that's what it is) BEGGING our government to acknowledge rights we already have!? We shouldn't have to beg for free speech, yet here we are, being silenced by FB, Twitter, MSM, Google… You name it! Fuck them. If we must, we must. The left made the rules on this one, so let's beat them at their own game! Let's be smarter than the equipment! The government works for us, and I'll just through all their hoops TO BE FUCKEN HEARD! ENOUGH! We are THE PEOPLE! And we have a POTUS who is on our side! Working for us! Loving us! Fixing this shit! Fixing our country! Let's fucken HELP THE MAN!

Anonymous ID: 72b374 March 7, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.582181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2304


You might be right. Once the DOJ is forced to answer, and it gets pushed to the Supreme Court, they will have to rule on our favor. We already have freedom of speech, we win, case closed. We just need to get LOUD

Anonymous ID: 72b374 March 7, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.582204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You might be right. Once the DOJ is forced to answer, and it gets pushed to the Supreme Court, they will have to rule in our favor. We already have freedom of speech, we win, case closed. We just need to get LOUD