Logos isn't just corporate symbols. Logos is also a term meaning discourse, from the Greek.
Logic is also sometimes used as a term for electronics.
Logos isn't just corporate symbols. Logos is also a term meaning discourse, from the Greek.
Logic is also sometimes used as a term for electronics.
Compartmentalization means that even if he was a good guy, most people with clearances might think he's really bad.
Put @SEC_Enforcement in your tweets. Been doing that for a few years now when I have something important to say.
That article is a troll. There may be CSSes but there are only three levels of the internet, and Tor was developed by the US Navy, remember.
Recall that Manning accessed a SIPRNET terminal to get all those cables and burn them on a CD-ROM.
Same thing happened with Delisle in the Canadian Navy. His terminal had a FUCKING USB port.
t. security nerd
>consequences of viewing this child porn video
Depression and alcoholism.
Oh you mean legal consequences?
Money laundering on an industrial scale. Connected to the Vancouver drug trade too.
http:// www.transparencycanada.ca/news/snow-washing-vancouver-model-2017-canadian-corruption/
https:// www.vice.com/en_ca/article/pa3b5y/the-money-laundering-scam-that-turns-drug-money-into-real-estate