needs a large star of David somewhere
I'm with you dawg, I was just pretending to be like the typical Q boomer who thinks Israel is their greatest ally.
now my turn
'basically the US military and Mossad have joined forces and created a fake disinfo psyop to give voters two choices, either vote for the (((Democrats))) who want to bring in the brown hordes and vote for communism, or vote for (((Trump))) and pretend to want to make America great again but really just continue to support Israel first, in every regard'
lmao @ anyone who actually thinks that number is being honest.
Maybe at one point in time for a couple seconds 459,000 people were on it, but right now? And all throughout the day? LMFAO
It already exists, who do you think finances AOC, Omar and Rasheed?
There is no choice. WE have no choice. We are slaves to the Jews, it's literally written in their bible.
lmao the projection is palpable
look at my posts retard, I've been trying to wake up the masses to the JQ all day
The Muslim brotherhood is alive and well in the US, we can all thank Obama for that
have you read this book? it's great
Imagine a USA that wasn't beholden to the interests of Jews and didn't allow itself to be invaded by Muslims
a man can dream
Yes, the Protocols of Zion are a must read for anyone who wishes to be redpilled on the JQ
Everything written in it has come true
the most parasitic inbred welfare state to ever exist
and were supposed to bend over backwards for them
nah. I hope Iran glasses them.
I hope you are right brother, but I simply don't see it happening. I would love to be proven wrong.
Q doesn't give a shit about you
as long as you aren't out in the streets demanding justice and going full yellow vest, Q's objective is achieved
We have the guns
we have the people
we have the truth
all they have is labels and the suppression of truth
World War 2, orchestrated by the Jews, was the organized murder of the best white male stock each country had to offer.
It's just sad. So many good genes, lost forever because of some khazar inbred rat tribe was full of racial insecurity.
I wonder if (((people))) who defend Israel and the Jews on this board know that they are in the minority and that slowly the world is waking up to their lies and deceit.
You cannot deny it. You can't keep hiding the truth.