Anonymous ID: 1d3a82 March 21, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.5821309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1517 >>1734 >>1904 >>1991

Operation Cyclone never ended: The history of the West’s support for Islamist extremists


The impression we are given by our esteemed leaders and the mainstream media (MSM) that so compliantly serves them, is that the Islamist extremists represent an existential threat to our “way of life”. The Islamists hate us, in the West, and most importantly, “hate our freedom”. From time to time, depending upon the geopolitical realities of the day, we are reminded that the threat level is severe and asked to be vigilant, prepared to “run, hide, tell” if ever we witness masked men with guns, though they may well be police officers, but it’s probably best to be terrified in any event.


The slight problem with all this is that the Western military-industrial-intelligence complex has been working with, arming, equipping, training and deploying Islamist extremist terrorist organisations for at least half a century. While there is no doubt that outfits like Islamic State group, Al-Qaeda and Jaysh al-Islam are murderous thugs, it’s not entirely clear who they work for, or whose purpose they serve, at any given moment.



Prior to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was the key architect of a plan to arm the Afghan mujahideen in what would later be known as Operation Cyclone. Brzezinski’s aim was to bog the Russian forces down in an energy- and resource-sapping war in Afghanistan.


He believed that arming the Afghan tribesmen presented an opportunity for the US to give Russia its own Vietnam. He saw the Islamists of the mujahideen as a useful tool to be wielded in support of US geopolitical objectives. In 1979 he flew to the Pakistan border with Afghanistan and told the gathered mujahideen:


We know of your deep belief in God and we are confident that your struggle will succeed. That land over there [Afghanistan] is yours. You’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail and you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again, because your cause is right and God is on your side.


Thus began the modern era of cooperation between the Western powers, predominantly the US, the UK and France, and various Islamist extremist groups that has continued to this day.


While Operation Cyclone is widely acknowledged, any suggestion that Western powers continued their strategic support for Islamists groups, beyond the 1989 withdrawal of the Soviets from Afghanistan, is strictly taboo. We are instead asked to accept the simple narrative that the “war on terror” is essentially a battle of good versus evil.

Anonymous ID: 1d3a82 March 21, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.5821328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1362 >>1517 >>1734 >>1904 >>1991

A Judge Left Robert Mueller Stunned Into Silence With This Head Turning Decision


Special counsel Robert Mueller thought he had the case to impeach Trump gift-wrapped.


All that Mueller and his gang of Democrat prosecutors needed was a judge to issue a ruling that was considered a mere formality.


But then the judge stunned Mueller into silence with this head-turning decision.


Mueller and his partisan attack dogs argued that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort repeatedly lied to prosecutors about various subjects, including his meetings with Russian business associate Konstanin Kilimnik during the 2016 campaign.


Hillary Clinton cheerleader Andrew Weissmann told Judge Amy Berman Jackson that Manafort and Kilimnik’s August 2, 2016 meeting “went to the heart” of the special counsel’s investigation.


Mueller’s team argued that since Manafort repeatedly lied to them, they were no longer bound by the plea agreement the two sides entered into that would result in sentencing leniency for Manafort.


The judge ruled in Mueller’s favor on a few of the issues he raised.


Judge Berman Jackson held that Manafort did lie about another ongoing investigation, a payment that was funneled through a pro-Trump political group to cover his legal bills, and his contacts with Kilimnik.


However, Mueller did not score an overwhelming victory.


The judge ruled against the Special Counsel’s office on the two most crucial points.


First, Mueller failed to prove that, “on October 16, 2018, the defendant intentionally made false statements concerning Kilimnik’s role in the obstruction of justice conspiracy.”


Judge Berman Jackson also ruled that, “OSC has failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that on October 16, 2018, defendant intentionally made a false statement concerning his contacts with the administration.”


These were the two biggest threads in the Mueller probe.