Ray Chandler is likely a male to female transgender. Paris Hilton is also. One of the younger Roth men with a flat looking face is also likely a female to male transgender. Nicky Hilton is likely a male to female transgender and her Roth husband looks like another Roth female to male. His hips are wider than Nicky's and his face is softer and gentler than hers or Paris'. All in the baphomet worship.
No. I have been researching transgenderism among the cabal elites in Hollywood, Royalty and Politics etc. The anatomical differences in male and female "skull and bones" reveals the truth hidden by plastic surgery, clothing, lighting, makeup and hormone therapy. Investigate the castrati as an example of musicians who famously were castrated in order to preserve the sweet and higher ranges of a prepubescent boy. Investigate the two sexed nature of baphomet and the luciferian belief that the dual sexed person is illuminated and more spiritually evolved. These entertainers, celebrities, royalty and others are forced into this as small children and at times in the womb.
We have been deceived for many years by many entertainers and models. It is a multi-generational matter.
Yes. And they have "reverse" marriages. Where an MTF marries an FTM and they have children carried (secretly) by the bearded FTM spouse. The MTF persons look more masculine and haggard as they age (Madonna). More to follow.