Nice try Shlomo. WE KNOW you've replaced white race with Jewish race and Zionist with white supremacist. Nice deception though but that's no surprise is it
Or he was getting help from his spook buddy's on the outside. Computer glitches and power surges?? Come on now, Occams razor anon
I'm sure Media Matters/Shariablue will keep them on the air to as many sheep as possible for as long as possible
Have u read the accusations? This isn't MJ pedo shit this is some straight up evil from a man connected to Bill Clinton and praised by rape victim provider Oprah Winfrey. It wasnt until Bolsonaro was elected that he was arrested so he was most likely being protected by the DS scum running Brazil previously. If you think this evil mfer is innocent (and your not trolling) please, from here on keep your retarded opinions to yourself.
And don't forget the reaction/overreaction of the media and DCpol establishment. I've never seen anything before or since that caused that level of panic
Have u seen fucked up pic a few breads with the burned up skeletons and a naked dude with blood splattered on his face? (Deets were hard to make out since it was black and white) but I was almost sure that "dude" was Ray Chandler.
Was it the post I was commenting on or is there more out there
Another fool praising the most racist, bigoted country on the globe as they fuck with our "democracy" daily. Either a fool or a sellout
Nice handshake. Masonfag or Basicfag?
I was but his post mentioned Rao too so I thought maybe those was the crumbs u were talking about