Starting two years ago Q has told us all to research:
Huma Abedin (laptop)
Anthony Weiner (laptop)
Hillary Clinton (eats babies)
Chuck Schumer (satan has left the building)
Ray Chandler
Barack Obama (ak-47)
Marina Abramovic (witch to the stars)
Adam Schiff (traitor)
John McCain (no name)
Mark Zuckerberg's wife
RBG's caretaker
John Huber
Mike Horowitz
Rod Rosenstein
Valarie Jarrett
Rahm Emanuel
Michael Avanatti
Peter Strzok
Melissa Hodgman
George Soros
Rachel Brand
The Pope
Sergey Brin
Angela Merkel (Hitler)
Irman Awan
Betsy Devos
Anderson Cooper
Queen of England
Muslim Brotherhood
TSA head
and now we're back at Ray Chandler.
I know it's not my timeline, but I feel like it's time for the killing, the false flags and the take over of America to stop. I personally have had enough.
Please end it.