Mr Bizzari is promoting an exclusive cult brand and it is very hip for like a mason but this is unacceptable as a luxury thing for a profane to want to acheive by buying a gucci belt to suicide myself for being so stupid as to purchase a gucci product hencforth
they like to see niggers sad
depopulation agenda
NO gucci. This is not ok. They are promoting a mad hatter kind of support of the nz shooting by assuming the position of a shadow masonic culture brand
red door exclusive white supremacist brand. Marco Bizzari is a skinhead
Bunch of kidfucker protecting masonic cops squaredancing in a middle school field. fuck em.
aei neighhh
Notice the fucking flamingo in the keyhole
this is a learned behavior
are you gonna let little faggot callboys disarm you?
are you gonna let masons disarm you through masonic liberalism?
wake up