In the Commission view, some organizations create a false fons honorum in order to satisfy this requirement and give themselves apparent legitimacy; often, the founder or patron of a self-styled order has assumed a false title of nobility as well as supposed current or former sovereignty.
The so called "claimants" are creators of fables. That they gain acceptance on the internet or edit entries in Wikipedia does not make them real. Historical fact is verified through scientific reconnaissance and solid evidence, not via "endorsement " from a self-appointed "authority" or by somebody who happens to be descended from royalty.
The Commission`s systems and honors neither register no certifies grants, nobility or arms for members. The Commission does not render opinions as to the legitimacy of specific titles of nobility claimed by this or that person. It often occurs that one publisher or fount of honor "recognizes" a certain person's title while another does not.
Today, the nobility is very much part of modern European society and do not maintain their former privileges although their family names, titles and coats of arms are still protected. Only sovereigns with legitimate fons honorum (fount of honor ? the right to bestow nobility) can and have the solemn right to do so. The Commission welcomes of "Jure Sanguinis" families of European nobility and the class members "on merits" of relevant families, which, though not noble, they share the values and committed to serve the same ideals. Even so, proof of Jure Sanguinis must be backed up solid evidence.
No one can just assume a title of nobility, imperial or otherwise, merely because it is vacant or no one is presently using it. Only a true sovereign, regnant or "de jure," can create, restore or rehabilitate a title or bestow upon a person a real and true knighthood or nobility. All honors must spring from a genuine, authentic source or fountain of honor otherwise it must be rejected as worthless pretense.
Genealogy, being as it is the study of individual people and their relationships within the social unit of the family, parallels and in some degree reflects the history of mankind. Practically every great civilization on earth has found root in the organization of the family, and, thus, each history is composed of many family histories. The royal pedigrees of the Roman emperors and of the European monarchs are but another form of the histories of those civilizations. And even today it may be seen that the history of America is not dissimilar to the history of any of great colonial American families.
The study of family history, or genealogy, is perhaps one of the most ancient of human interests.When a person in search of his ancestors or genealogy, seek to know the origins of their family, perhaps with the hidden personal desire to discover royal blood or the coat of arms of his family.Where genealogical facts are few, and these located in the remote past, reconstruction of family history is often more imaginative than correct.
Whenever a noble, royal, or academic claim is made by a candidate, we are tasked with the obligation and duty to inquire and discover whether the claim is valid or not. This is to protect the good name and reputation of the genuine reigning or not non reigning territorial sovereigns, to protect the reputation of The International Commission and Association on Nobility (TICAN) and its Royal Patrons.
The Executive Committee is composed of the President, the Executive Secretary, World History Special Advisers, Genealogy Special Advisers and Country Delegates. "Royal Patrons" are voluntary heads of reigning or formerly reigning royal houses whose interest is based on the ideals of chivalry, aristocracy and for the Defense of International Nobility.
The Royal Patrons do not promote TICAN news but it must understood the views expressed by TICAN are fully independent of Royal Patrons. Patronage does not mean they endorse or even aware of our messages to members and or on Facebook.
Code of conduct - termination: Any Member of Officer who does not comply with the principles set forth by this organization, who disgrace this organization, whose behavior is construed as unbefitting a MEMBER in good standing, or who is slanderous and misrepresents the principles of this organization may be expelled and shall lose all rights granted a member in good standing.
The aristocratic spirit transcended frontiers. For the nobleman Europe was the homeland. Italian plasterers and painters, German musicians, and French cabinetmakers traveled for high commissions. There were variations reflecting local traditions: the Baroque style was interpreted distinctively in Austria, Italy, Spain, and France. But high style reveals certain underlying principles and convictions.