El: ancient terminology for "Lord" or "God"
-ite: and directly from Latin -ita , from Greek -ites (fem. -itis ), forming adjectives and nouns meaning "connected with or belonging to."
It is "their" pompous, self-granted term for themselves:"connected with God."
Every time they are identified as "elites" they give themselves at least a moral pat on the back since they are so special and "connected" and it's nice for them to have their specialness acknowledged by the plebes.
Speaking the word as if it is: e 'leet is incorrect. It should be sound as: el 'ite as in Luddite.
These el 'ites believe they are blessed by God and all others are rightfully their slaves. The corrupt satanists and pedovores running things feel they come from God and all others are lesser beings.
Sort of like the religious cults:
Upper-level manager of the cult:"God gives wealth and happiness to his chosen people!"
Cult members: "Amen"
Upper-level manager of the cult: "God gives long life and health to his chosen people!"
Cult members: "Amen"
Upper-level manager of the cult: "God wants his chosen people to have everything while those not of God's chosen people are there to serve us!"
Cult members: "Amen"
Upper-level manager of the cult: "We are God's Chosen People!"
Cult members: " Hallelujah and Amen"