So which is more likely at this point anons
That trump sold out and mueller will clear him and his kids
Or that trump was on their team the whole time ?
Potus is obviously a zionist borderline neocon at this point
So which is more likely at this point anons
That trump sold out and mueller will clear him and his kids
Or that trump was on their team the whole time ?
Potus is obviously a zionist borderline neocon at this point
Anon ask yourself this question
Does israel deserve to steal syrian land ?
Genie energy has the rights to that land
And the board is full of clowns
Ditch all your electronic devices and do some "dissapearing" anon
Whos ready for barr to classify the report
No no anon i was implying that the pedos would be "dissapearing"
Blind support of Q and potus
Most definitely
I blame the jews for controlling the media
Stupid caananite scum
Nope sorry anon
The elite believe that niggers arnt people so they dont get to eat
Im gonna go be sad now
Poor poor niggers
Man potus really likes hiring pieces of shit that love globalism and hoarding money
>Nope nothing. Israel has a border wall we paid for while they lobby here for open borders and he rewards (((them))), Trump gives them land that isn't rightfully his to give yet he cant take what's rightfully ours back from the criminals/illegals who've overrun it like they own the mfer. Still in Syria for the Jews and fuck those of use who voted for him to end this shit. Massive Fuckin letdown but we can't say we weren't warned
Shhh goyim trust the plan
Oh well at least the zionists seem to want us alive
And mostly not sick
>uses liberal tactics
Maybe i just dont like hordes of illegals in america faggotanon
Or people that make themselves stereotypes
I think Q is a fucking cia nigger freemason goon
But you anons dont think enough
Be me
Be Q
Post fbi tip line
Troll all the people Q just posted about
Watch them all scatter to make sure nobody talks
I dont hate israel
I hate all countries
Israel is run by sociopaths
So is the muslim brotherhood
2d thinkng anon
There is no plan
There was the nwo plan
Not sure if qs plan is that plan
But my guess is the elite who dont want to,kill billions
Just perpetually enslave them
Wanna fight to the death freddy