no we can't do that.
because 'mueller is the blockbuster' doesn't really mean anything in English.
Mueller is the puker
from 'Muelling and puking' from Shakespeare.
Greating German Anon!
no we can't do that.
because 'mueller is the blockbuster' doesn't really mean anything in English.
Mueller is the puker
from 'Muelling and puking' from Shakespeare.
Greating German Anon!
ya that's very tasteless and no one wants that to happen.
you never talk about the fake postmark on the draft card that was sent from Hawaii where the date 1980 was faked by using an 08 and turning it upside down from a 2008 postmark. But all postmarks have four digits in the year for over 100 years.
This was from the trial that happened in Arizona, where the 'birth certificate' was also entered into evidence. The post mark is a clear fake.
lighten up. I'm happy with expectation.
Not a cop, just a meme critic.
plus isn't calling something 'tasteless' a backhanded compliment at the chan?
the meme artist knows that it's benighn. I know it's benighn. Heaven forbid that something really happens and someone will point out that meme. that is my point.
not a 'chan cop' but like to be more tasteful in the presentation of memes and images. a good meme is like a prayer for the political opposition that wins them over and converts them to doing what is Right and Just.
that never ever occured to me ever and i'm sad for you that 1. you think that way.
that you repeat it here.
but I suppose it's what we really are facing.
I doubt that if the people thought those meant that, that they would have sent them. Sometimes an owl really is just a bird in a tree.