I ran across an old horror fiction podcast the other day, and it struck me just how creepily on-point it was in some respects…especially with regard to how brazen the deep state actors have been lately. There's a spot near the end where these "weaponized sociopaths" are discussing how their next steps will be to outright tell everyone what they've been doing and what they will continue to do, and how we'll just have to accept it. It's disturbing in so many ways (even on a kind of meta level, where something like this podcast would probably be part of just such a strategy). The podcast host's comments at the end, though mostly tongue in cheek, about how America is just an experiment that the Crown is "quite pleased" with gave me the creeps. Anyway, it isn't horror fiction of the monster/gore variety, but it is disturbing, and it's pretty interesting to listen to in light of things going on now.