>Ginsborg death announcement Monday
On the phone to Paddy Power now.
Food for thought found on /pol/:
The Mueller Investigation was nothing but a 24/7 TV program. It was designed to keep people contained in two camps and keep people distracted by the unity between both parties by feigning disunity.
> Democucks get their power fantasy of being rebels that strangely have a ton of power and ability to obstruct the POTUS power - also muh trump boogeyman
> Republicucks are fooled, again, into a victim mentality where they feel obligated to defend Trump from those nasty democrats.
In other words, the perfect controlled opposition TV show:
> Democucks get their version of the Q-LARP, complete with people going to jail and "insiders."
> Republicucks feel validated defending Trump because of how terrible those awful democrats are.
So why are they ending it? Because it only fooled Democucks. You will read this line ad nauseum all over any place Democucks frequent:
> When Hillary was investigated, no one went to jail. When Trump is investigated, people went to jail!
Republicucks were initially still fooled, and some still are, but the surprising amount of impotence from Trump and the overtly uncompromising movement from the Democucks made them question what's really going on.
Instead of feeling obligated to defend Trump, the surreality of this betrayed the effectiveness of the entire psyop. Examine the use of this to the media and controlled opposition:
> The media is enabled to talk endlessly about it and recycle narrative beats
^ Perfect tool for covering up actual stories (not that they would be honest anyway)
It really came down to that as the most telling sign that this was all a show. Every night on "left" wing news, they rehash the entire narrative in a single segment like you never heard about it before. Imagine writing it yourself knowing everyone watching is already caught up. The only reason why you would do that is to pad the length.
The media has had the easiest job ever since it began, and if you go back to 2015, you can see elements of it already in the media. This was planned ahead of time, and the scripts were both literally and figuratively written ahead. The jews played their hand, and it backfired because it only further disillusioned normalfags to the (((media)))'s tricks.
CLINTON = Clandestine Lodge to cover up the fact Bill is an alien and Hillary is a witch.
Ask the leafs.