The excellent Sidney Powell, just now on Hannity:
"To restore the rule of law, and restore the integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice, there is going to have to be a real investigation by the Department of Justice of what really did happen here. And everything's going to need to be declassified that's been withheld so far. We need the rest of the transcripts of the testimony of the people who testified before Congress, we need the FISA applications, we need the Bruce Ohr 302's, and all the things that we've talked about before that the President has the ability to declassify. Those should be made available now, so the American people can see what really went on. The people that are responsible for this real conspiracy to destroy the President, to keep him from being elected, must be held accountable, or there will be no rule of law in this country."
Hannity responded, "You know what? Those FISA applications ought to be released at the exact same that the Attorney General gives his report. Those 302's, same thing. Gang of Eight, same thing. All the other buckets we've talked about."
Dershowitz added: "The FISA court ought to see whether a contempt of court citation is in order against the people who misled them is appropriate."
Powell continued: "We need the names unredacted from Rosemary Collier's decision of a year ago, where Comey gave illegal access to the raw NSA database to three private contractors. We need to know who those private contractors are. That led to all the unmaskings and everything, too."