Is the FBI accepting Bitcoin?
Go to the beach in Rio. Every 10th girl is covered in cabal tats. Honeypot central.
free money
bomb or chem?
You faggots, I'm not questioning gold. I'm simply saying other than legacy, what backs Bitcoin is the same thing that backs gold but digitally which allows for something potentially better. Study math before you vomit on bitcoin. You don't avoid reading on a computer because muh books…
scarcity and work.
Work=Force x Distance
Physics…replace for energy, mining, etc.
Force…cryptographic scarcity.
Gold has NOT always had value.
I think gold is great as money, but open your mind a bit. It's all ideas, energy, and math. It all still applies to bitcoin if you actually understood it.
Never heard of offline transactions? Meshnets?
A future with no centralized networks or energy sources resolves that issue pretty quick.
I agree. PM is going to go on a tear before crypto does.
Agreed. I'd say there is room for both. They serve different purposes. As a foundation for currency, M1, civilization, Gold is the clear winner, but value takes many different forms.
Distributed Consensus protocols aren't going away. I'd argue that the threat they pose to centralized institutions of the industrial age is something we should all be thankful for. It's made the centralized powers that be very uncomfortable.