Why has pic landed on my phone?
I dunno when it did, and I dunno where it's from!
That's as clear as it is. Uploaded from phone.
I could put it to laptop and upload from here.
Dunno if that would make any difference.
Yup. I hope it's a "thank you" 'cause am clueless as to what it could mean otherwise.
Date/timestamp are of when I've bluetitted it from phone to laptop.
This is all that's shown:
Dimensions 682 x 1024
Width 682 pixels
Height 1024 pixels
Horizontal resolution 96 dpi
Vertical resolution 96 dpi
Bit depth 24
Size 412 KB
Attributes AI
I've no idea what any of that means. Like I said, not technically-minded.
Go back to be original post of the pic from my phone where it landed (different ID here 'cause diff. device, of course).