the project miranda thing is hugging me. as a digger, not just the usual its sock depraved shit you get with diggin some stuff here.
ok the anon that pointed to it mention she lynn belasz is a handler of handler. good enough fine.
i dig. i find her facebook so shes not in witness protection. shes in the open. she turned witness against ng, but never had to testify. wtf?
any lawfag will likely back me up (if wrong lawfags plz speak up) that any prosecuter is not going to go through with immunity and just let a person walk away from that shit after destroying evidence and all else. esp. not giving any good to leverage against defense. reason stated i could find was she was not a credible witness. ok thats a big deal, if she wasnt credible she could have been impeached on the cross exam or even treated as a hostile depending on disposition. no immunity should have been offered. period. but it was for free even. that seems like a point under the "shes a clown" heading.
so i dig on her parents. one was a phd psychologist and the other was an engineer / opthamologist from hungary. smelling a little mkultra/paperclipish now. but guess what… neither has entries that mention their kids.
in fact lynn cricket fucking sick bitch has almost no online presence beyond her fb page other than in mentions of the murders… not in relation to her parents, and especially not in relation to her brother… all together thats 3 points under the spook heading and nothing contrary.
given the obscenely sick (and I mean even by the standards of shit we come across here) nature and justification documented for carrying out those acts…. man o man….. fuck…. ???!!
anyone else feeling this way