Max Stirner's Ego and His Own (German, 1844) I think has just taken on a whole new means to understand the satanic cult who were finally caught by being outwitted with tech, digital networks, truth stored offline in the individual people's minds.
Theory: In order to be able to control the individual Ego is by the light of truth on it.
We don't have to immediately have any thought of what it absolutely must be with that emotionalization-disassociation disorder "way" we have to believe anything as true.
We are each very much capable of knowing reality…but only under the continuous light of truth on the existence and full reciprocal recognition that to be created in God's image is to recognize every individual human being on Earth as an entity capable of knowing itself enough to know truth by way of freely flowing information channels between individuals worldwide.
Facebook is Lifelog is DARPA.
They used it to treat us like surveillance guinea pigs / sheep.
The main idea Stirner opened with his book wasn't a conclusive statement that the sheep have been trained to react at word triggers, nor that "Egoism" is the bees knees, but with a question.
The best books always start with a question, not a conclusive statement. Q.
Questioning does not mean starting with presumption of likely/possible falsehoods.
So many fake news controlled by people who are positively using an out in the open, not only guilty accusations before being proven innocent for 'off team' people and innocent before proven guilty for 'on team' people…but also…generating in the information space made up stories…to attack innocent people who for some reason just want peace and prosperity for peaceful people, and JUSTICE against those who intentionally and wickedly by deception and blackmail do harm on good people?
The following is how Stirner opens his book (imagine him writing ABOUT the egoists who ruled the world during his time…and I will ask if it could be a 'whistleblowing' of that horrible truth at the same time…in an ingenious way to sidestep the censors.
The censors didn't understand it…fully.
It snuck through…
It looked like a flattery.
It was speaking a what I think is UNLOCKED new purpose.
Did he speak of the same network as those who up until Nov 2016 had control over the US Presidency…and on the chess board they never thought they would lose the US Presidency chess piece?
Imagine them wailing in a disgust/revolt against not being the God they imagine as their own Egos, in their child torturing dungeons…because an angel visited them, indestructible, information -control power to stop evil, communicating to them that they are doing very bad actions against other human beings, total injustice of laws protecting against such evil in humanity, that there is a higher power and this is manifesting in human beings awakening to their own ability to confidently understand worldwide "news" networks as clearly under the control of the same evil network of people. Solzenitsyn wrote about this after his first hand experience in the gulags. They were going to use a psycho killer force of millions of poor Koreans to believe in a literal upside down world, millions controlled to believe in an entire world perception, controlled by a force with state power, that is almost completely opposite to reality as it is.