>I think I figured it out.
>Trump couldn't DECLAS while Mueller was going on or else it would look like interference. It would also open him up to all kinds of procedural counterattacks. Now that Mueller is done and -ZERO- sealed indictments means the only recourse left are investigative delays/attacks from House Democrats. But…
>If Feinstein or Pelosi raise an attack? DECLAS their nat sec violations. They are now put in check.
>If Schiff raises an attack? DECLAS his Standard Hotel insanity. He's now put in check.
>If the Clintons haven't gotten the message about how fucked they are and try to attack? DECLAS their nat sec violations, their human trafficking, and all kinds of messes. They are now put in check.
>It doesn't matter if Democrats have the House. In fact, it's better that they have it just so the illusion that meaningful resistance is occurring. House Dems from here on out are token resistance. In reality, the patriots are in control.
>That does mean, however, once they have exhausted formal means of resistance, they will opt for more overt and aggressive direct attacks. I don't envy the massive task that must be to predict and detect those threat vectors.
>We're more that mere autist researchers. We are also the necessary headfake at times, too. We can be made to force the opposition to panic and sacrifice any advantages they have.
>It really is endgame time now.
>Schiff has raised attack tho