To all ConcernAnons,
be more awake, and be real Patriots, show light to normies.
And /i am sorry/ big FUCK YOU.
To all ConcernAnons,
be more awake, and be real Patriots, show light to normies.
And /i am sorry/ big FUCK YOU.
They are sometimes worse than shills.
Because of [-21], they was insane last days.
Dont care about 2years of boooms, just cry about one fucking countdown.
Fucking retards.
Now they are quiet.
Can someone confirm if this is real?
Netanyahu explains how America can be maniplulated:
Mueller report out: Zero indictments for collusion with Russia
President Donald Trump and his associates are cleared of collusion with Russian meddling in the 2016 election in special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report, part of which was presented to US Justice Department early Saturday, March 23. Mueller’s 675-day investigation, after a year-long FBI probe, effectively cleared Trump and his 2016 campaign of criminal liability – in the face of insistent accusations by Democratic politicians. No further indictments of individuals were recommended. The indictments already filed in the course of the investigation were unrelated to Mueller’s primary mission, which was to undercover the existence of an American conspiracy underlying Russian tampering in the election which brought President Trump to power. The crimes of those individuals were found to be personal and unrelated to their associations or duties in the presidential campaign. The clean bill President Trump appears to have won from special counsel Mueller knocks down the Democrats’ hopes of a “just cause” for procuring his impeachment. They are unlikely to let go and expected to cast about for ammunition in another direction.
Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?
Logical thinking.
Disinformation is real.
Future proves past.
Re-read crumbs.
News unlock.
Stringers important.
Comms understood?
Everything has meaning.
You have so much more than you know.
Not everything can be stated 1:1.
I am angry at myself only for one thing:
Still missing a lot of dots in crumbz, not able to understand.
Deripaska ↔ Waldman ↔ Mark Warner
Still not sure if [RR] and [RM] are white, gray or black hats after all this time.
Projection 101: The Devil Made Me Do It!
How to take responsibility and stop the madness!
Until the masses realize that they are being manipulated to direct aggressive energy on one another, the ruling class will stay in power.