Look to evils to harp on Trump's twatter etiquette, I've seen it start back up. "If he'd tweet like a normal person"
Would they after a bullshit investigation? We know that answer.
Look to evils to harp on Trump's twatter etiquette, I've seen it start back up. "If he'd tweet like a normal person"
Would they after a bullshit investigation? We know that answer.
I followed many a fresh bread link to get here, operating on omnichan because it's easier on mobile. Thank you for that baker,.
No index on omnichan but I hear ya. Going to have to break out the browser.
Kek they're watching basketball
Heading to northern Michigan to see if I can see the lights. If so, it'll be my first time. Plz wish me luck. Have a great weekend Anons.
Have a heart for those on omnichan at the moment. It is faster on my mobile to use.