Schwangggggggg! (boner related)
I'm the OP anon. Walked away after my post….playing with the pets outside.
I'm with you on this: words have to be clearly defined, and even then a concept might have different meaning between just two people.
My post was less about Socialism (thought the shirt was cute), and more about Katie Pavlich, who is in the picture wearing it.
I'm like you. I'm not easily put into a category or labeled. It's all a bit more complex, and to be honest, people are probably gradations on a spectrum of political beliefs than any fixed point. It would be hard to find someone 100% a liberal, or 100% a conservative…for as you say, their views probably depend upon the issue being discussed.
All the best to you and yours.
Cheers anon.
Not so sure about /ourguy/
He was tasked by the DS, if for no other reason, to ensure the institution of the presidency remains intact. Though the cabal most likely wanted to damage President Trump, it still requires the citizenry to respect the institutions of government. Knowing what we know about the pee-pee dossier, and the fraudulent FISA applications, people might have taken to the streets if they indicted Trump or his family. We watched as hillary was allowed to skate…..lying comey "no prosecutor would have found evidence……….". It was a bad joke. She has committed so many real felonious acts, many of which have led to deaths, that she should have been imprisoned prior to the election (actually, decades earlier…travelgate, cattlegate etc.). And then you indict President Trump on bullshit charges!
The American people are only willing to suffer so much. The double standard, especially as it applies to the application of law, has been thoroughly exposed….the cabal needs to tread very carefully.
Lastly, and if I recall correctly, old mueller might know he has some splaining to do in regard to the delivery of the uranium sample to Georgia (as in the Republic of Georgia), during the U-1 scandal. Yeah, that scandal that should have imprisoned the previous president………and hillary.
I replied to you >>5844020
I offered a factual response to you post, to which, you've offered nothing by way of response. Anon, if you have a position, an argument to make……..shit a challenge "Prove me wrong!" ……… you would be well served to offer up more than a RED TEXT/ALL CAPS one-liner. If your post was serious, it's not gong to be taken seriously by most of the people here………I had some extra energy, so I bit.
Have I proved you wrong? I don't know, but I gave a response and…
…closed out the last game with an ace.
Your serve.
Nice. Second Coming - W. B. Yeats. A shame more people aren't familiar with it. That said, and I'm almost afraid to ask, what is the meaning of that passage with a picture of Stephen Miller?
I did not gyro that coming.
Just me or is the catalog frozen?
Nice. Oddly it reminds me one of those food items where you can make out an impression of Jesus if you look closely enough. Kek.
Cheers for the reply. Just another sign the cabal is directing an attack on the site.
On the bright side, we'll hopefully lose bots and shills, because it takes a VeteranAnon to know you have to use the index. Kek.
Again, thanks.