My inlaws called me to celebrate.
They won't be able to stop what is coming. They have now lost the narrative and are grasping at straws. OIG report and DECLAS will claim the narrative.
People have been watching "two movies". Those watching the Mueller collusion movie will not be susceptible to red pilling until there is evidence that our narrative is the correct one.
That's coming.
Now that the blockade has been removed we will see the OIG report that will be very different than the one on the mid-year team. DECLAS will bring down the house. Indictments will follow.
The overton window will shift. There will still be ankle biters and nay sayers, but the facts will have shifted the narrative.
At that point you will be in a position to nudge them forward and reassure them.
Be patient. The beginning has arrived.
Best part of all of this is the silence from DJT on Twitter.
He knows we scored a major victory and he is going to let it unfold before commenting.
Barr's letter to Congress.
Congress goes public.
Then he celebrates.
Ammunition is hard to come by.
No one is shutting anything down, anon. This board is part of the plan. Direct comms. Don't forget who is the President.
Attacks will intensify.
I meant through government censorship.
Not through cabal attempts to shit it down.