Anonymous ID: a4e049 March 23, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.5845547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5565


Extremists attack Somalia govt office, minister among 5 dead==


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Gunmen set off a suicide car bombing and then stormed a government building in Somalia's capital Saturday, killing at least five people including the country's deputy labor minister, police said. It was the latest attack by Islamic extremists in the troubled Horn of Africa nation.


After an hours-long gunbattle, Somalia's security forces took back control of the building in Mogadishu on Saturday afternoon from at least five attackers who forced their way into the government building that houses the ministries of labor and public works, police Capt. Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press.


Extremists attack Somalia govt office, minister among 5 dead


Abdi Guled, Associated Press Updated 9:40 am CDT, Saturday, March 23, 2019


A woman stands behind wreckage left from a suicide car bomb attack on a government building in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Saturday, March 23, 2019. Al-Shabab gunmen stormed into the government building following a suicide car bombing at the gates on Saturday, a police officer said, in the latest attack by Islamic extremist fighters in the Horn of Africa nation. Photo: Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP / Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


Photo: Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP

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A woman stands behind wreckage left from a suicide car bomb attack on a government building in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Saturday, March 23, 2019. Al-Shabab gunmen stormed into the government building … more


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Gunmen set off a suicide car bombing and then stormed a government building in Somalia's capital Saturday, killing at least five people including the country's deputy labor minister, police said. It was the latest attack by Islamic extremists in the troubled Horn of Africa nation.


After an hours-long gunbattle, Somalia's security forces took back control of the building in Mogadishu on Saturday afternoon from at least five attackers who forced their way into the government building that houses the ministries of labor and public works, police Capt. Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press.


Saqar Ibrahim Abdalla, Somalia's deputy minister of labor and social affairs, was killed in his ground-floor office shortly after gunmen entered the building, he said.


Hussein said at least 10 other people were wounded in the attack, which the al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab extremist group has claimed responsibility for.


Dozens of people were inside the building at the time since Saturday is a working day in Somalia. The building is not far from the headquarters of the Somali intelligence agency.


As the attack unfolded, gunfire could be heard from inside the building. White smoke billowed from the scene, according to witnesses.


A similar attack targeting a busy area in Mogadishu at the end of February killed at least 24 people.


Al-Shabab, Africa's most active Islamic extremist group, has been fighting for years to take power and create an Islamic state in Somalia. It frequently carries out suicide bombings targeting public places, hotels and government offices despite being pushed out of Mogadishu. It mostly operates from rural areas in the country's south.


African Union peacekeepers stationed in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the country have helped Somali forces to keep al-Shabab fighters at bay.


The extremist group has also carried out many deadly attacks in neighboring Kenya in retaliation over the country's deployment in 2011 of peacekeepers in Somalia.


The U.S. military has carried out a number of deadly airstrikes in recent months against al-Shabab.

Anonymous ID: a4e049 March 23, 2019, 8:30 a.m. No.5845739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5904


The food that the world consumes thus constitutes great open doors for satan to ruin humanity. Satan’s agents put in all their efforts to carry out abominable practices on the food that we consume. So we need to be very careful with what we eat, and there is a wide range of foods that we need to avoid as much as we can.


It is about all the food or products that are sold already ground (chopped, mixed), or transformed (canned food, ready-made meal), because satan and his agents make sure that real abominations are ground and sold on the markets. Do not be surprised therefore that there are many sicknesses today, including those whose names are unknown. You often hear of food poisoning, arising from normal foods that are supposed to do good to man.


When the Lord led us to carry out some research on the practices of satan on the food we consume, we discovered to what extent the world consumes rubbish, that is, things that cannot be named. Satanists often make sure they mix the food on the market with all the possible dirt.


Minced meats and mixed food

A lot of minced meats or mixed food are mixed with some human flesh, aimed at initiating those who eat them into witchcraft. Many products that you buy already ground or crushed, like corned-beef, cooked ham, pâtés, sausages, and others, are usually mixed with all forms of rottenness. It’s the same with ready to eat babies’ meals in small jars: All these abominations full of terrible incantations, aim at soiling the whole world, and at inflicting many diseases or demonic possessions on those who consume them.


Canned food

Many types of canned food that you buy on the markets are made of human and animal dead bodies, and foetus. In some Asian countries, many agents of satan have embarked on the business of foetus and other dead bodies. Aborted babies are transformed into canned foods, and flood all the markets of the whole world, and people are crazy about it. Be careful with canned food! A large portion of these aborted babies are served as food in Asian restaurants wherever they are based all over the world. If only people could know what they eat every time!


It’s the same thing with some sardines. You find tinned sardines and/or tuna on which it is written “queen of the coast”. Do not think that this is just a simple advertisement. Most of these sardines are not sardines at all. Pay attention to what you buy. Be careful! Now that you have been warned, take your precautions.


Ready-made meal, sauces and seasonings

Be careful with roasted or fried or well prepared meat that you buy, all ready made. Some of these meats are far from being what is being presented before you. Be careful with the food they serve you in hotels and restaurants, be careful with foods served in your work place canteens, in school canteens and the foods sold in colleges, high schools, and primary schools. Be careful with all ready-made food.


Other products such as ketchups, jams, aromas, salad dressings, spices, and other seasonings, are most often mixed with human blood, powders of human flesh, and other rottenness. Magi cubes, stock cubes, and many other ground ingredients are subject to the same treatment. All this with the goal of soiling the world, and initiating into witchcraft people not covered with the blood of Jesus, and all those who are negligent.