The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupis, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exasperates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately. Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary. Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
we did not vote for prohibition,
we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
invasion of our privacy,
absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
to be dropped by our doctors,
to worsen our medical conditions,
to be treated like drug addicts,
to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.