>NEWFAG - bread shitter dumbass
kek. but muh brown hats!!1
Interesting that Streisand popped her head up, now.
She redefined what "going viral is"
Now she can redefine "psychopathy"
yes, but they aren't… oh fuck it, I'm not going to state what they aren't doing. They can go ahead and fuck right up.
The thing that is never addressed is the idea that the followers of Moses broke the deal with God the Father.
So there was no pact between the so-called "jews" and God the Father.. Until the Teacher came here.
That's the point of Jesus coming here. Since there was no longer a deal…. Jesus made a New Deal.
One that requires spiritual adherence to our Father in Heaven instead of a look-at-me-being-holy physical one.
And the satanists hate that. (sets egg timer)