Exactly and I read it and then some.. and I know its all bullshit.. tey and keep keep it in perspective
but you want to believe a lie.. I refuse to
Hinduism has long used the metaphor of Indra’s Net to illustrate the
interconnectedness of all things. This holds that the entire Universe is produced and
sustained by a transcendental intelligence that projects itself like a dream into a void
that our mind perceives as a Space-Time continuum. According to this philosophy,
what we conceive as reality is nothing more than an infinite series of inter-connected
images projecting from an unknowable Cosmic Source
Each individual perceives this dream in a unique way relative to his location in the
Space-Time Continuum. Divine Illumination or Cosmic Consciousness is the lifechanging
moment when we realize that our individual perspective is intimately linked
to the perspectives enjoyed by every other individual and that, in reality, All is One.
As the individual advances into higher states of spiritual awareness – via meditation,
contemplation, yoga, creative visualization, out-of-body experiences, and sacred
initiations imparted by a 'Spiritual Master' – he finds that he can change and re-order
these images through the correct use of his imagination. When this happens he
becomes the Creator of his own reality. The perfect mastery of this process is known
as God-Realization or God Consciousness, where man comes to the awesome
realization that he too is God. Like I said pure bullshit