Yea that should really worry his opponents.
Yes Russia tries to influence our elections, so does UK, so does Australia, so does about every other ally and enemy.
Please note we are the worst criminals trying to modify other countries elections and policy - If you don't know that then ……
The Russia conspiracy all started when HRC was Sec of State and tried to fuck up Putin's election. He is not very forgiving and told her she would be sorry so the seed was planted and Podesta came up with a plan. The plan was turned to attack Trump.
Sauce wikileaks Podesta - blame Russia
Hmm jFox Ukraine also attacked our country.
Actually we have much more concerning lobbying and PAC issues with other countries trying to buy elections than Russia
What Trump and his administration actually threaten is all that PAC and SOP in DC that makes anyone elected multimillionaires when they should be serving not profiting.
first documents of Russia set up are in March, First FISA application in June, First approved FISA in October. The documentation will prove FBI tapped Trump Tower before approved FISA.
if Mueller found illegal activity outside of his mandate it was his responsibility to refer that back to the DOJ to pursue with other prosecutors that were not limited by the mandate he had.
if his reports of other illegal activity outside his mandate went to RR and stopped there and were not reported to Sessions - that is obstruction of justice by RR.
Meuller here is the set up.
Meuller has to follow mandate written by RR.
If he finds crimes by others outside his mandate it is his responsibility to report that. It then goes to DOJ - and he reports to RR. Then RR mandate is to give it AG to pursue. If RR failed in this it is obstruction of justice. Think Podesta Brothers - immunity? Who gave that immunity - motivation? Was Sessions informed. Meuller destroyed Manifort for the same things Podesta's did.
if you all are this stupid to not get this I will take a nap or go to posting pet project or just fucking shit post.
If you all are so stupid to not get that the PAC and foreign application shit is so fucked up that it is just a way to pay off our representatives and senators you are dumb.
This is the true worm hole!