Trump The Defeater: Washington Declared Victory Over ISIS 15 Times Since December
Cont. from images:
January 11th, 2019 – US withdrawal from Syria begins, but only for equipment, troops remain. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that withdrawal would depend on guarantees for the US’ Kurdish allies.
February 22nd, 2019 – the White House said that it would keep 200 US troops in Syria as a peacekeeping force. Later in the day it turned out that those 200 troops would actually be 400 – 200 troops will remain in the Syrian town of al-Tanf, near the border with Iraq; Another 200 will remain in northern Syria and be part of a “multinational observer force” numbering between 800 and 1,500, mostly European NATO allies, including France and Britain.
Trump also denied that he is “changing course” on his decision and that the withdrawal is still happening.
March 20th, 2019 – When asked if the US is still withdrawing from Syria, Trump said: “No, no. We’re — in Syria, we’re leaving 200 people there, and 200 people in another place in Syria closer to Israel for a period of time.” (still in al-Tanf and northeast Syria).
Changes in the US policy on withdrawal from Syria has changed 7 times since December 19th. According to latest information, there are currently approximately 1,000 US troops remaining in Syria, so a partial withdrawal has happened.
The flexible US policy and claims in the fight against ISIS and its presence in Syria are continuously changing.
It can also be speculated from another point of view:
It may be a US disinformation campaign against ISIS, to confuse them in a sort of psy-operation.
Furthermore, it may be a play to surprise the enemy. After all, the enemy can’t know what the US is doing, when it doesn’t know what it is doing.