There was a recent criminal event in my hometown that sparked everyone’s interest in a noticeably different way…
Because this crime involved individuals whom many people knew, the ability for normies to “find out more” grew exponentially.
It was like a “mini-Great Awakening”, and people realized they could go out into this vast sea of electrons and research for themselves. They used “alt media” in the form of Facebook [THAT’S RIGHT - FUCK YOU, ZUCKERBERG!! WE’RE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK, BITCH!].
Anyways, they didn’t need the local media to get answers! Normies could get the answers themselves by leveraging the larger audience and resources available to them! This decentralization of information put the onus on THE READER to draw their own conclusions.
Are you seeing “mini-Great Awakenings” happening in your hometown too?
There is a point whereby even the “laggards” get onboard with what’s going on here because the pressure of their families, friends, etc. all waking up around them will be too much to handle, and then everything we’ve been talking about will become self-evident.
Just think about what that moment will feel like.
Exactly zero people have been “un-red-pilled”, and so not only is this still growing, it’s ACCELERATING! In that light, part of me thinks we need to start looking beyond the Great Awakening because Q made us the tip of the sword for a reason, but for now, this truly is a beautiful sight to behold.
So thank you to all the patriots past, present, and future. You are the torchbearers. You are the LIGHT. Now, it’s what you do with your reclaimed POWER that matters.