Anonymous ID: 167793 March 23, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.5855867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5932


Machiavellianism came

before Machiavelli.

Moses, Sesostris, Solomon, Lysander, Philippe and Alexander of Macedonia,

Agathocles, Romulus, Tarquin, Julius Cesar, Augustus and even Nero, Charlemagne,

Theodoric, Clovis, Hugues Capet, Louis XI, Gonzalves of Cordova, Cesar Borgia –

these are my doctrine's ancestors. I move on1 without, of course, speaking of those

who came after me, the list of which would be long, and who learned nothing from

The Prince that they didn't already know from the practice of power. Who in your time

rendered me more brilliant homage than Frederic II? Pen in hand, he denied me in the

interest of his own popularity and, in politics, he rigorously applied my doctrines.