Once again, Trump 100% totally ignores the Lives of our Children against the Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion!
Notice Once Again?
Today, Money trades 100% always are more important then stopping the Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion crimes, which involves more of our Children dying in 2018 by Mexican drugs and criminal illegals inside the US then the entire multi-year VIETNAM WAR?
#1 Priority today = CHINA TRADE DEAL
#1 Priority today = Obamacare Healthcare Repeal
#1TRILLION Priority today - Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion to Protect our Childrens LIVES from drugs and the the flood of criminals entering illegally? TOTALLY IGNORES ALL AGENCIES AND PLEA's FROM US Legal Citizens in day 700 of his Presidency.
Yet again, Trump stays hidden ONLY WORRYING about MONEY! But what do you expect from a PURE BUSINESSMEN WHO ONLY KNOWs HOW TO MAKE MONEY - AND NOT SAVE LIVES!?
NEVER FORGET and Remember - Trump "Could have" closed the Mexican border in Feb 2019, but he "DID NOT WANT TO STOP ALL THE COMMERCE COMING IN FROM MEXICO"!
Proof once again, MONEY IS HIS #1 PRIORITY!
Notice Not Once did Trump lift a FINGER to even ATTEMPT TO STOP THE FLOW OF CRIMINAL ILLEGALS Crossing the border? But why care because Trump is lining the pocketbooks of his rich elite friends OVER OUR LOWLIFE WORTHLESS CHILDREN IN SMALLTOWNs?
Remember all his Previous Priorities OF MONEY OVER stopping the illegalc criminal Flow to protect our childrens lives:
26 Mar 2019 - "Free the Golen Heights" for Israeli! Yeah - that really is what we elected him to do, over protecting our nation 1st!
27 Mar 2019 - Trade Talks with China (Value $1 Trillion)
27 Mar 2019 -
Notice the pattern? I will now daily update TRUMPs "Priorities" over the Illegal Criminal Aliens murdering our children on our streets, and ignoring all the drugs and criminals entering the US.
Surely - who cares about all the crimes and # of deaths? It doesn't put money into Trump Bank account (AS IF TRUMP THINKS MONEY WILL FIX EVERYTHING!) So when will all the daily LIVES LOST BE BOUGHT FROM TO BRING THEM BACK?
Proof of Priorities - Lives ARE NOT TRUMPs #1 PRIORITY!