Anonymous ID: 1f7efb March 24, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.5863199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3238 >>3335

Q Post Resolution/Filesizes


Observe the filesize and resolution in >>5853115 -vs- >>5854029


The second picture is not even 2 times the resolution of the first yet the filesize is 350% larger. And even with information removed, eg the extra "R" in the misspelling of Democrat. Now ask yourself: why re-post the corrected version using them same pic but with a larger resolution? WWAND (What Would a Normie Do), ask yourself… how would a normie repost? Wouldn't a normal individual just re-post the exact same pic with the corrected text?


Maybe just this anon over-scrutinizing but can't believe Q misspelled Democrat in >>5853115 by sheer chance. Consider the size, scope, and importance of The Plan. Ask yourself how many times Q must have typed the word "democrat" by now… even if Q is multiple individuals. Would Q not cross-check everything six ways from Sunday before posting? And if not cross-checked in RT, one would think already done so far in the past.


Another thing: no mention of being "On the move". Instead "MEME misspelled but drives the point"… to this anon sounds like casual misdirection: look there, not here. Also, why is MEME in all caps. Again maybe just anon over-scrutinizing but something feels off here.


Anon understands that accidents happen but anon doesn't believe in coincidences with Q. Ever.


user@host $ file 8622AD34-EF12-45FD-B56C-FE2F563ECCF6.jpeg E0A7C9F2-53A9-4315-BFAA-C040F4B53B9D.jpeg | cut -d, -f 14 | tr -d ' '749x5981333x1065user@host $ echo 1333/749 | bc -l1.77970627503337783711user@host $ echo 1065/598 | bc -l1.78093645484949832775user@host $ du -ch 8622AD34-EF12-45FD-B56C-FE2F563ECCF6.jpeg E0A7C9F2-53A9-4315-BFAA-C040F4B53B9D.jpeg 88K 8622AD34-EF12-45FD-B56C-FE2F563ECCF6.jpeg332K E0A7C9F2-53A9-4315-BFAA-C040F4B53B9D.jpeg420K total

Anonymous ID: 1f7efb March 24, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.5863312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3335


>There is a simple explanation - different levels of compression used when saving the JPEGs.


You may be right, danks for chiming in. Expanding the first image to the 2nd's resolution in gimp (exported at default 90% quality jpeg) yields the same filesize. BUT this is still with the extra "R" inserted. Perhaps a coincidence or perhaps this anon has been squinting / looks suspiciously at things too long, kek.


user@host $ du -ch manualexpand.jpeg 332K manualexpand.jpeg