Anonymous ID: 393920 March 24, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.5862701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2728 >>2995

>>5860873. Anons the Schumann Respnance the shot heard round the world


This is an explanation of the Schumann resonance and how people are being affected by it…I’m sure there’s more scientific explanations, but I thought I’d post


You’re Not Dying, It’s The Schumann Resonance!


schumann resonanceMichelle Walling, CHLC – By now, there isn’t one person on Earth that has not felt some kind of weird and unexplained physical symptom that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many do not understand why this is occurring, and some go to their doctor to find that there is nothing wrong with them. In turn, doctors are realizing that there seems to be a phenomena of unexplained “psychosomatic” occurrences. There is scientific evidence that something is happening on the planet that is shaking the apple cart up at this time, and this evidence is from a Russian website that tracks the Schumann Resonance.


What is the Schumann Resonance?


The Schumann Resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance named by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.


The official description from Wikipedia is-


“The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”


As you can see, the Wikipedia explanation says that we have had a whole lot of lightning lately if you read the charts that I am about to show you. Regardless of whether what is happening on the planet is indeed causing more “lightning” or whether it is causing the equipment to pick up on something else, the scientific evidence proves that something is disturbing or spiking the electromagnetic frequency on the planet. For thousands of year the Schumann resonance has been measured at 7.83 hertz or within shallow spikes of this depending on how many storms are on the planet at the time. A Russian website that can be found HERE is one of the only public sites that releases the daily data on the current Schumann fluctuations. The reasons for this are unclear but seem to point at the control of keeping the data from the public eye.


How does the Schumann Resonance Affect humans?

As a spiritual being merged with a human body, we also merged with the consciousness and energetic makeup of Earth when we were born into a human body. To stay in sync with the planetary composition and frequencies, the human body has an auto correct system that can re-calibrate to the environment when needed. When the auric field of a human is not in sync, however, it is difficult for the emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric bodies to sync with the physical body and the frequency of Earth…..more below

Anonymous ID: 393920 March 24, 2019, 8:40 a.m. No.5863157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AOC is proving everyone’s point by opening her mouth


The Horn editorial team – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been slammed by a whirlwind of bad news this week. Friday morning, she received the final blow — because even the mainstream media is sick of her act.


Just how rough was the New York socialist’s week?


It doesn’t get much worse if you’re a politician.

—On Monday, it was discovered that Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff had been quietly fired from a key position on the board of the activist group, Justice Democrats, The Daily Caller reported. This group was a key political infrastructure for her. She’d previously held complete “legal control over the entity.”

—In other words, her ousting from the far-left organization’s board of directors was both a personal and political blow. Ocasio-Cortez was removed after it was discovered that during her election campaign, her chief of staff had funneled over a million dollars in donations into a private slush fund. Three ethics complaints were officially filed against her in Congress after the shocking discovery.


But that was just the beginning.

—A surprising poll by the Siena College Research Institute found that Ocasio-Cortez’ favorability ratings have plummeted among registered New York voters. In fact, even President Donald Trump has a better approval rating in New York, a deep blue Democratic stronghold.


“While neither politician crossed the 40 favorability percent threshold, Trump had the backing of 36 percent of people surveyed, compared to Ocasio-Cortez’ 31 percent,” The Washington Examiner reported.

—Last Friday, Gallup Polling had announced that “41 percent of U.S. adults have an unfavorable view of Ocasio-Cortez, up from 26 percent last September before the 29-year-old was elected to Congress.”


And still, the bad news of Ocasio-Cortez kept coming.

—On Wednesday, she was caught lying about her test scores to a New York City panel of far-left activists. The activists had gathered to encourage the boycotting of standardized testing because they’re “racist” and “sexist.”

—Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t help but gloat that she’d gotten a “99th percentile” score during one of these so-called sexist “high-stakes test” — but was later called out by her own supporters.


That couldn’t possibly be true, attendee Diane Ravitch later pointed out in her blog.

—“It was a bit jarring to hear AOC say that she was [treated in] the Yorktown schools as in need of remedial education because she was Hispanic, not mainstream, but, she said, ‘a-high-stakes standardized Test’ revealed she was in the 99th percentile,” Ravitch wrote. “No one stopped to point out that she could not be referring to any high-stakes test used for accountability purposes because they don’t rank by percentile. They classify students as 1, 2, 3, or 4.”

—In other words, she was either flat out wrong, or flat out lied.


Think that’s all? That’s only halfway through the week.

—Fox News star Tucker Carlson reported that in just three short months, Ocasio-Cortez had become so divisive and unlikable that she has already become political ammunition for Republicans.

—He pointed to a recent GOP congressional candidate’s commercial from North Carolina’s third district as an example.


“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: she has the media, she has the followers, but bless her heart, she has some terrible ideas,” Republican candidate Michele Nix says in her latest campaign ad.

—“Guaranteeing government jobs for some, while killing small-town jobs for others,” Nix says. “Her ‘green deal’ is a bad deal for North Carolina.”